Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I can't sleep though i haven't tried the song i am listening to is 'life is long' and that it is. it is 1 in the morning i keep thinking about my tooth and why it feels depressed upon my gum and i don't like that. 'so stay don't go cuz i'm fading away.' i just want to move into my new condo. i think i can call it a house. house implies one's own home almost, and this is almost my home and so i will call it a house. writing this has made me become tired so i closed my eyes for the time being and am typing this with my eyes shut. 'finders keepers' is on right now. i need to find a life i'm fully happy with. i'm not at content mode 100% of the time. i wonder if anyone is. i'd like to find that person. i want to go west; it's been too long. it's not going to happen this summer and for that i am upset. i miss the mountains, the cool summer night air, the relaxed way of life. i miss hiking in the great outdoors without having to worry about the bugs not leaivng me alone. i wish i could go back............................................................................................................................fin...............ders...............kee..........pers.
'looks just like the sun'

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