Sunday, December 16, 2007


Written on a day where there was a shooting threat that everyone at Sachem North "was going to die":

I can't believe we live in a world where students have to walk through metal detectors to learn, where ID badges and desks are the only line of defense, where we should be worried every time we go to a mall. Why can't the defense be a pen, a pencil, a piece of paper? A conversation with a friend, family member, teacher, anyone?

Instead, we are reduced to threats written on bathroom stalls, guns drawn on Christmas shoppers, and fear clouding our everyday lives like an impending storm hanging over our heads, waiting for the first drop of rain to fall, which will bring about the deluge, the torrent that will flood the world until we have to start all over again from the beginning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

During the first month of school, there were several bomb threats. It got ridiculous...I totally agree with you, and I love how you capture those sentiments so poetically. Why can't we defend ourselves with pencil, paper? You word it that way, and it really points out the seriousness of the problem. Simple and brilliant writing. =)