Friday, April 25, 2008


At such a contemplative, confusing age, this kind of makes sense to me.

From the "Tao Te Ching" by Lao Tsu:


Yield and overcome;
Bend and be straight;
Empty and be full;
Wear out and be new;
Have little and gain;
Have much and be confused.

Therefore wise men embrace the one
And set an example to all.
Not putting on a display,
They shine forth.
Not justifying themselves,
They are distinguished.
Not boasting,
They receive recognition.
Not bragging,
They never falter.
They do not quarrel,
So no one quarrels with them.
Therefore the ancients say, "Yield and overcome."
Is that an empty saying?
Be really whole,
And all things will come to you.

I love the last two lines...Be really whole, and all things will come to you.
Be really whole :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this. =)